
赌钱app可以微信提现律师助理课程是美国律师协会批准的选择性入学课程. This means that 所有 applicants must meet the admission requirements to qualify for the program. 下面的每个步骤都包含到行动项目的链接, 更详细的解释, 或两个, 所以请仔细复习这些. 如果你 have applied to the 律师助理 program before and were not selected or did not enter the program for that semester, 你必须重新申请进入这个项目.

The following 30-minute video walks you through the application process and admission requirements for the 赌钱app可以微信提现 律师助理 Program.

Prospective 律师助理 students who have not attended 赌钱app可以微信提现 before (or have not attended 赌钱app可以微信提现 in more than two years) must complete a 赌钱app可以微信提现 application for admission.

在此初始步骤中,选择 非学位的追求 or 文科 作为你的专业. 请选择 2023年春季 术语.

处理您的申请可能需要五个工作日. 如果你 submit a general admission application within 10 days of the 律师助理 program application deadline, 您可能无法及时收到赌钱app可以微信提现学生证以申请律师助理课程. 那样的话,请给特蕾莎·利兰发邮件, tleland@szlirui168.com,在招生办公室.


如果你 already have an associate of arts, associate of science, bachelor’s, or graduate degree from a U.S. 在您提交申请之日获得地区认可的机构, 你必须申请律师助理方向的副学士学位. 你还必须完成(1)engl121(作文I)或同等成绩, LAW 120(律师助理研究概论), (3) LAW 121(法律概论),成绩达到C或以上 在进入该计划之前. 申请时是否有任何课程正在进行中, you may still apply; however, the 招生 office will wait until grades are posted at the end of that semester to process your application so that it may verify successful completion of classes in progress and your final GPA.


如果你 do 在提交申请之日已经有一个合格的学位, you may apply for either the 律师助理 Certificate or the Associate of Arts with Emphasis in 律师助理 option. You must complete (1) LAW 120 (Introduction to 律师助理 Studies) and (2) LAW 121 (Introduction to Law) with a C grade or higher 在课程的第一学期之前或期间. Degree-holding students who 不 receive a C grade or higher in both classes by the end of their first semester in the program will be placed on program probation—they must successfully complete the courses in the next semester; otherwise, they will be suspended from the program and must reapply to the program in a future semester if they want to continue.

*如果您在提交申请时尚未获得合格学位, 你必须申请艺术副学士. 如果你在入学后获得学位, 您可以请求切换到证书选项.


办理入住手续 金融援助 审核您的课程资格, especi所有y if you are a 律师助理 Certificate applicant taking LAW 120 or LAW 121 prior to your program’s first official semester.

The online application is typic所有y 可用 in mid-February for F所有 semester admission and in mid-September for Spring semester admission. 网上申请截止时间为 4:00 pm on the final deadline (July 1 for F所有 semester admission; December 1 for Spring semester admission).

You will receive a personal admission plan on 您的My赌钱app可以微信提现帐户 to verify receipt of materials in the 招生 office. 以便通知您的文件状态, 我们强烈建议在截止日期之前提交所有材料. 请致电招生办公室 913-469-8500,分机. 3438,如果你有问题.

Your personal admission checklist will be updated periodic所有y as the 招生 office processes application materials.

通过以下方式访问您的个人入学清单和赌钱app可以微信提现电子邮件帐户 您的My赌钱app可以微信提现帐户.

官方成绩单 所有 U.你所就读的美国地区认可院校必须在申请截止日期前提交.


It is not necessary to send 赌钱app可以微信提现 transcripts or to request transcripts from previous colleges if 赌钱app可以微信提现 already has them on file.

* Please review your personal admission plan to check the status of your transcript submission. When 赌钱app可以微信提现 receives transcripts, your personal admission plan will be updated automatic所有y. 如果你发现任何差异,请发邮件给特蕾莎·利兰, tleland@szlirui168.com,在招生办公室.

作为美国律师协会认可的, 选择性录取计划, the 赌钱app可以微信提现 律师助理 program is required to establish minimum competency requirements for 所有 applicants prior to admission. To demonstrate that your current skill level is appropriate for admission into the program, 你必须达到赌钱app可以微信提现的“大学阅读准备”要求, 可用 在这里.

参见律师助理项目入学要求 for a description of the college reading readiness requirement as it applies to 律师助理 Program admission.

In order to be guaranteed consideration for admission to the 律师助理 program during the f所有 semester, 所有 admission requirements must be met and 所有 documentation received by the 招生 office on or before following dates:

  • 优惠入场时间:4月15日 
  • 常规录取截止日期:7月1日*

In order to be guaranteed consideration for admission to the 律师助理 program during the spring semester, 所有 admission requirements must be met and 所有 documentation received by the 招生 office on or before following dates:

  • 优惠入学截止日期:10月15日
  • 常规录取截止日期:12月1日*

* Exception for Associate of Arts applicants who are still enrolled in prerequisite courses on the regular admission deadline: As long as you have met 所有 other admission requirements, the 招生 office will hold your application for decision until after final grades for prerequisite courses are posted.

Meeting 所有 admission requirements by the preferential admission deadline provides potential paralegal students with the opportunity to enroll in classes earlier than those who 不 meet the requirements until the regular admission deadline. Early applicants who 不 meet 所有 the admission requirements by the preferential deadline will be considered in July or December along with regular admission applicants. 

入学申请通常不会在截止日期前进行审核. You should monitor your personal admission plan to ensure 所有 application materials have been received by the 招生 office. 请致电招生办公室913-469-8500,分机. 3438,如果你有问题.



在介绍会之后, applicants who have been accepted for admission will be sent an invitation to join the 律师助理 program. 出于隐私考虑,邀请将发送到您的赌钱app可以微信提现电子邮件帐户. Accept the invitation by returning the acceptance form to the 招生 office and the 律师助理 program chair within five business days.

一旦招生办公室收到并处理了你的录取表格, 你将能够在即将到来的学期报名参加律师助理课程. Students who already have a qualifying degree who have not already completed the prerequisite courses—LAW 120 and LAW 121—are required to enroll in those courses during their first semester in the program and complete them with a grade of “C” or higher.

申请进入律师助理课程是针对学期的. 如果你在一个学期内因为任何原因没有被录取, you will need to reapply to be considered for admission to the program in a subsequent semester.